Cleo launched a new product variant with environmentally friendly packaging called Cleo Eco Green. The launch of this product is a form of #BaktiKamiUntukBumi in making a positive contribution to the environment.

Plastic problems are still a common problem. In 2019, Indonesia was recorded to produce 3.2 million tons of plastic waste. 87% of them pollute the oceans due to not being managed properly. Cleo Eco Green is here as a gift for Indonesia and a form of our concern in supporting the government’s program to reduce plastic waste.

Each bottle of Cleo Eco Green is made of 100% rPET plastic which is recycled with food grade standards from the FDA and BBKK. For raw materials, Cleo cooperates with SOKA, which is also a subsidiary of the Tancorp Group. SOKA is a plastic processing company that recycles waste plastic into rPET. The quality of the rPET produced is equivalent to that of pure plastic pellets.

Through our Cleo Eco Green product, we invite people to be wiser in managing used plastic packaging to reduce environmental pollution.